Kyles life…..
Those early days in the NICU at Hershey Medical Center
“Just Think you are here,
Not by chance but by God’s choosing.
His hand formed you
And made you the person you are.
He compares you to no one else - you are one of a kind.
You lack nothing that His grace can’t give you.
He has allowed you to be here at this time in history
To fulfill His special purpose for this generation.”
I immediatly claimed this quote for Kyle & we had a big poster on the wall by his crib! He truly was one of a kind!!
We were so honored back in 2013 when one of the Pastors came to us & asked if we could share a bit of our story with Kyle for the Mothers day Message. We shared in both services that day. The whole message was an amazing Mothers Day message. We shared in the last 10 minutes. we would love if you would take time to listen. Beware- we are not public speakers! :) We shared because we felt like God could receive glory in it!!
I would love to sit and share with you Kyles story from beginning to the end! There are so many miracles that took place in his 24 years on this earth!! This season of life without him is extremely hard though & it could take me some time so for now I am sharing a few articles I had written for newsletters done by the Care Center. I hope you will enjoy learning about Kyle here….
4/2/2016- An Introduction by Kyle
Hi! My Name is Kyle Esh. I was born at home on August 24'th, 1998. Yes, that makes me 17 years old!! And a half actually!! When I was born there was problems with my breathing immediately & my parents and the midwife quickly took me to the closest hospital. In a couple of hours, they flew me by helicopter to the Children's Hospital in Hershey where I spent the first month of my life. In that first month I had many tests done & a few surgeries. The doctors told my parents I was born with Trisomy 22, meaning I had 3 (instead of 2 like we all should have) of my 22'nd chromosome. You may have never heard of a chromosome & In case you didn't know we all should have 2 each of 23 chromosomes in our bodies. Because I had an extra one it messed up a lot of things in my body as I was being formed. It is very rare, so the doctors didn’t know much about it. They did know it was a miracle I was still alive & they did know I was going to need a lot of surgeries. During that first month my sister & brother came to visit me often & my parents were there every day. They made many friends there & I am told I was pretty popular, they also learned how to take care of me so they could bring me home. My family was thrilled to bring me home a few days earlier than even planned & also excited to be able to take me to church to be dedicated to God along with all the other babies in our church. I had lots of doctor appointments, surgeries & even sicknesses in those first 2 years, but my family also took me to many places including Florida for 3 weeks when I was only 6 months old, and just 2 months after I had my first open heart surgery.
I love it most when my family is together. My big sister Kendra & Big brother Virgil are my best friends. I love it too when I can hang out with my dad, especially going away in the big market van. It annoys me sometimes at the Community Care Center when I see all those big vans outside and none of them are my dad coming for me.
Another thing I really love is water. I have always loved water. When I was around 4 or 5 years old, I would take baths for hours. My longest bath was 8 hours one Saturday. Mom had to change the water quite often & I looked like a prune when I was done but I was happy in the water. We used to go to my grandma’s a lot to swim in her pool. 3 years ago, I got my own really big pool in the backyard. I love to be independent and swim on my own, sometimes with arm floats & sometimes, when I am being daring, without the arm floats. I have to wear something in my ears to keep the water out but still it is my favorite thing!! Usually, one of my family is always with me & they make me laugh when they throw me up in the air & into the water. The water goes all over me & in my eyes, but I don’t mind at all!! I also enjoy being able to walk in the water. I cannot walk out of the water (I Use a wheelchair) but in the water it supports me and I can walk around.
Every winter we go to Florida- my whole family. We usually go to the beach sometime and I get to sit in the sand with my feet in the water. The water is really salty & sometimes the waves get a little stronger and it comes up into my face & mouth . that does not taste so good! Last year in Florida my dad made a cart to attach to his bike and we went for rides all over the place, sometimes we would go for several hours. We rode to the marina to see the sunset already, rode to Pinecraft too for Ice cream!! This year I was able to go on bike rides again & this year we had a wagon too. One day mom took me for a walk at the park, then we walked around the streets in downtown Sarasota, I even napped a while and she stopped for some pizza while I was asleep. It is nice to get away from the cold weather here for a while usually, but the best part is having my parents & my siblings around me every day, and no one has to go to work!!!
I was lucky enough to go on lots of trips with my family- Florida like I mentioned, we got to Perry County to my Papaws farm, Bradford to visit my Aunt Rosa, Tennessee to Visit another aunt, Indiana with our youth group one year & other places as well. But I was really lucky in that I was able to go on a big Cruise ship not just once but twice in my life!! The first one was a gift from the Make a Wish foundation & it was a Disney cruise that went to the Bahamas. The second one we took after my sister graduated from high school. It was a Christian cruise called "Cruise with a Cause" that went to Jamaica. I love the movement & swaying on the ship and mostly love that I can swim in their cool pools any time. And again my family is all there together living in a tiny room smaller than just our living room at home!! They really are a lot of fun. I also got ice cream & yogurt whenever I wanted which is cool. I am fed through a feeding tube at night so don’t eat too much but I do enjoy ice cream & yogurt and other soft foods at times!
So, what does a normal day look like for me? I get up around 6:00- 6:20 AM, my mom or dad gets me ready for the bus to pick me up at 7:00AM!! no sleeping in for me!!! L I do enjoy school tho & love my bus ride too. At school we do therapy, have gym class, art & Library, and many other things. On Wednesdays & Fridays I get to go to the Care Center after school. It is a place for Special Needs kids, and they have so many things for us to do there. Plus, I get an aid all to myself & I love one on one with people!! On Sundays we go to church & on most Sundays I Have a buddy assigned to me from the church so that my parents can go into the service together. They usually take me into Children's Church for Worship, and then walk me around inside right now but sometimes outside when it is warm. They also might read to me or if I am really tired just sit with me on one of the couches there.
Other things I really like are vibration- mom doesn’t go anywhere without a vibrating toy along to calm me when I get agitated! And I also love going away!! My mom & I go for drives around Lancaster County almost daily!! She recently started working for a flower company, delivering flowers, so many times I get to ride with her to do that.
Most of all I would like to say I am a child of the one, true King!! He loves me & I am happy if he can use me in any way while I am here, and I know he does!!! My parents have learned to know many new people because of me & have been able to connect with other families with special needs kids in ways they never could have!! God id good…all the time!!! I do look forward to Heaven & running on the streets of gold one day!!!
Well, that is all I have to share. If you ever come to CCC please look me up & say hi!! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me!! Your prayers are always appreciated!! If we don’t meet here lets met up In Heaven some day!!
Blessings to all, Kyle Esh
-Written by mom for Kyle
A Note from mom- Just wanted to say we enjoy Kyle in our home. When our other two children were small, they used to always say "I am so glad Kyle came to our house, otherwise we wouldn't know how much fun he is!!" We love Kyle's laughter (that sound makes my day) & his smiles just melt your heart!!!
Written August 2022- We were asked to continue from the previous article & bring it up to date for a book they are putting together about their children at the Care Center. I loved writing about Kyle. I had no idea He would be leaving us so soon!!
Kyle Esh Part 2
Wow! As I reread the story above, I just could not believe it has been 8 1/2 years already. And to be honest I couldn’t believe that was our lives!! In the moment you just love your child, doing what needs to be done & not thinking too much about it. But reading it, and realizing that is us, brings mixed emotions! I will try to bring you up to date a bit here….
Today is August 9’th, our oldest sons’ birthday. He turns 27 today, he was 3 when Kyle was born. There are literally times I have to do the math to make sure Kyle is actually 23 years old, 24 in a couple of weeks. It is really unbelievable & as hard as some years have been it still does not seem like it could be nearly that long. Our boys have become Uncles last month, yes, we are grandparents!! Our daughter, who now lives in TN had her first child, a baby Boy named Jack Elliot. We are so excited! I wish it were not so far, but we have much to be thankful for! Tomorrow Kyle, our caretaker Miriam Miller, a cousin of hers, and myself will be traveling to TN for a week. This is our third year of taking a summer trip & I really look forward to it. Sometimes I think I must be crazy to do this without my husband’s help, but I am not crazy I just love adventure & love making all the memories with Kyle I can! I am believing for lots of smiles, giggles, happy screams & even some hand clapping on this trip!!! We are very thankful for Miriam & her involvement in Kyles’ life.
In 2014, when that letter was written, although we did not realize it, we had a pretty easy life with Kyle.
He had a very routine schedule each day & he was mostly content even just sitting around. That has changed a lot!!! In 2017 Kyle ended up at Hershey Medical Center with a bowel blockage. It was very unexpected, 2 days before we were to leave for Florida. I was delivering flowers on Valentine’s Day & got a call from my husband. Kyle was gagging when he got off the bus and just would not stop. I called the doctor & they gave us some things to do but said if it continues overnight, we should take him to the doctor in the morning. It was a rough night, so we made the trip to the doctor. They examined him, gave us medication to try but said if it did not stop by that evening, we would need to take him to the ER. That evening poor Kyle was still gagging so we drove to Hershey Medical Center. We drove separately in case we had to stay. Ivan had market the next day. We got there around 7:00pm and the waiting room was packed, we were still waiting at 11:00 so Ivan left. They finally got us in around midnight. After checking a few things, they brought another bed into the room, shut the lights off and told us we could get some sleep. Early in the morning we did some more tests and they admitted us around 8:00 with a blocked bowel. The children’s hospital was so full & since Kyle was then 18, we had our first stay in the adult hospital, another totally new experience. They loved Kyle & treated us so well, but it was a stretch for the nurses. They did not have small pampers, scales to weigh input & output, small enough gowns & even the meds were not children dosage so had to send for everything from the children’s hospital. We had excellent care though on the 5’th floor. We hoped we could get things taken care of and get home & still take our 2-week vacation. The kids were not sure what to do but had flights scheduled already so went ahead to Florida thinking we would join them. Things did not work out that way. Kyle had surgery but was not bouncing back well. They decided to take him in one night and see if they had missed something. During that time, they punctured a lung and Kyle went from the 5th floor to Intensive care. I got a call at midnight that things had not gone well, arrived the next morning to relieve my husband and did not go home again until Kyle was released. The children came home from Florida, The Ronald McDonald house gave us a room and our “vacation” was spent at Kyles bedside. When we finally came home, the day before the snowstorm in March 2017, we had spent 4 weeks in the Hospital. God sent us amazing people to love on Kyle & who helped us battle through some craziness that took place (with the punctured lung). I believe we may have even had an angel who stepped in to get us what we needed one day! God showed himself strong in so many ways, but we were certainly ready to get home and get back to our lives. No Florida trip that winter! This hospital stay had been the first in 12 years. Kyle had been back to Hershey for dental work & ear surgeries but never stayed overnight & thankfully had not been sick enough to need hospitalization.
Soon after that our pediatrician’s office told us they just could not continue to see Kyle since he was over 18. In the summer of 2018, I went to the Clinic for Special Children’s auction. While there I bumped into Dave & Keturah Beiler whom I had known since we were children but did not know much of her work at the clinic. I told her about our situation & not knowing where to go for care. She said she would discuss Kyle at next week’s staff meeting and see if they could take him. We were thrilled to get the call that they could. Kyle was going through an extremely demanding time in life. Very restless, almost angry at times. He did lots of head banging, they had to push him in his wheelchair almost the entire time he was at the care center so would switch off volunteers all day so as not to wear anyone out. I believe it may have been that he was going through puberty at a later age. At the clinic they were shocked how hard he was to care for in just that one visit. It was exhausting. They immediately suggested we put him on medications to calm him. That began the process of finding out what was right for him and what dosage we needed. This helped but did not get us back to the content child we once had.
In the Winter of 2019, we went to Florida for Christmas & New Years. I had high expectations for 2020. Kyle would be graduating, was hoping to through a big party. Covid hit, school closed & that was the end of that season in Kyles’ life. No graduation, no party, never went back to school. Daycares Kyle was supposed to transition to after graduation closed & when they reopened, they required masks which Kyle did not wear. We were & always are so thankful for the Care Center. They were the only option we had & they love on Kyle so well!! We know we can trust them with Kyle, and they will not enforce vaccinations, etc. behind our back.
Another thing that happened that year is coming back from Florida Kyle never settled back into his sleeping routine. He would go to his bed nicely and then wake up sometime between 1-3 am and wants to be moved to the recliner. In Florida he always sleeps on a recliner & it sometimes takes a while to get back to routine when we get home. This was different though. It just went on and on. He started waking up and wanting water several times a night as well. He has probably only slept through the night ten times since Christmas 2019. We tried adjusting medication to help him sleep. He was sweating at night as well and the thirst continued. One day I was sitting on the couch just watching him sleep on the recliner & thinking to myself “what am I missing?” Suddenly, almost like a voice from heaven spoke to me and I said aloud “Its his heart!” I texted my family and told them I am fairly sure Kyle is having heart issues. I took several videos over the weekend then sent them to the clinic Monday morning. They asked us to bring him over, did several tests and bloodwork, connected us to their cardiologist in Lancaster for an appointment that day. The next morning, we got a call that we needed to get Kyle to a hospital. We spent the next 3 days in Hershey again as they did more tests on his heart and met with doctors to discuss any options. We decided we would not put Kyle through open heart surgery again, he had two as a baby. The doctors told us Kyle was in right heart failure. They said “this heart could really give out anytime, but since its Kyle & We did not expect him to even leave the NICU alive and he is 22 years old, we have no idea, it could last another 10 years!! 😊 Kyle truly is a miracle. I am thankful I get to be his mother!!
So now we monitor the heart more regularly. He gets heart medication twice a day. We see a doctor at Hershey for the heart, see the doctors at the clinic in between when we have concerns. The doctors really wanted us to get overnight nursing for Kyle and we have been trying for 2 years and do not have any yet. We have a friend who comes one night a week to give me a break. This morning I contacted Hands to Care and it sounds like they could possibly help us!! What an answer to prayer that would be. Kyle currently wakes up 6-12 times a night for water. He still sleeps in his bed for a few hours then gets a pamper change and wants to sleep on the recliner the rest of the time. I really look forward to getting more sleep again once we are able to set up some kind of care.
As I finally finish this, it is August 24 & Kyle turned 24 today! It has been a day of reminiscing some, looking at old photo albums, reliving the good & the bad days. God has brought him & our family through so much! What next? Only God knows! We know that life is made up of many different seasons, no season lasts forever. I am determined to get the most out of this season & see that Kyle does as well. I want him to experience new adventures, meet new people. Everywhere we go people are blessed by him & his smile. His laughter is contagious! I tell Kyle all the time he is a warrior for Jesus! His middle name is David & I remind him of the humanly impossible things God did through David the little Shepherd boy in the Old Testament. Whatever it is God has planned for this young man I want to be right there helping him to achieve it. We pray for divine appointments each day with people who need a little love & laughter. Kyle has definitely settled down a lot more since those really rough years, but we are still praying for & declaring more healing in his life. A verse we claim for Kyle is …..
Psalm 27:13- I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Thank you for listening to our story! Thanks to all who work at the care center & all who support it! We are forever grateful for the “village” God has blessed us with to help in Kyles care!
May God Bless you all,
Sue Esh (for the Esh family)
Written for Care Center Newsletter, Part 1
Hello from the Esh Family- I hope you are all enjoying this Spring weather!! What a blessing it is!!
My husband, Ivan & I have 3 children- Kendra (21), Virgil (18) & Kyle (15). My children were all born at home with a midwife & before Kyle came, we hardly knew what a hospital was! He changed all that & we have come to realize how blessed we are with the medical care we have here in the US! God has been so faithful to us thru this walk & I hope to be able to share a bit of that with you!!
Kyle was born August 24'th, 1998- here at home just like my other 2, We had no idea there was any type of birth defect with Kyle even though we had just had a sonogram the week before. We knew immediately though that this was serious. The midwife & my husband rushed Kyle to Lancaster General & from there he was flown to Hershey. Kyle was an extremely sick boy. He spent one month in the NICU there and had his first surgery at 3 days old. We had many serious & precious meetings with the doctors. God showed himself strong in every way. The support we had from family, our community & our church family at Spring Garden Church was amazing!! The night before we were able to bring him home they told us they had found his diagnosis- He had Mosaic Trisomy 22, which is an extra 22'nd chromosome on some of his cells. Kyle's case was the first they had ever had, and they could not tell us much about it. Many of them, we were told, do not make it through the 9 months of pregnancy. Our doctor later told someone that She did not expect him to live more than 24-48 hours when he arrived. He is truly our miracle as 9+ surgeries, many hospital stays & 15 years later he is still with us!!
Kyle changed our lives in so many ways & has blessed us incredibly. Yes it has been a battle & there have been many frustrations, but God has been faithful! Our eyes have been opened to many things; our hearts have been changed as well. We have met so many people & had so many experiences we never would have had were it not for Kyle. I never would have guessed way back then that almost 16 years later we would still be caring for a special needs child- changing diapers, feeding him through a tube, using a wheelchair & learning to communicate with a child who has no verbal communication. I was naïve I know, I thought people go to Hershey to get fixed up and did not know it would be a long-term thing. We prayed for a miracle from the beginning & we have seen many. But the biggest, the complete healing we really want to see, is one we are still waiting for!! We know without a doubt that God could heal Kyle at any time like he did the lame, blind, deaf & dumb in the Bible and since then, and we would so desire that! I dream of the day I can talk & communicate with Kyle. I long to run with him. But whether that day comes here or in eternity I will still serve God & Proclaim His faithfulness to those we meet.
I have always wanted to travel, to be a missionary in some other country, but God has shown me many times that there is a huge mission field here, in my own community & especially among Families of Special Needs Children. The road can get weary, sometimes we just need a lift, someone to cry with who understands & someone to laugh with who understands why some of the weird things that happen in our lives we just need to laugh about!! There are many all around us & especially in Hospitals (doctors & nurses included) who need encouragement & so I want to accept the mission he has given!!
Kyle will be 16 this summer. He attends school at Garden Spot High School 5 days a week. Saturdays are most times spent with his mom as the rest are off to work at our Restaurant at the Amish Farmers Market in Annapolis, MD. Sundays he enjoys going to Children's Church at Petra Christian Fellowship where we have all been attending the past 51/2 years. We have been blessed there with many great friends & a huge army of Prayer warriors for Kyle. Kyle loves school, loves one on one attention & loves to go for rides in his car seat, especially with dad in the market van. His favorite thing to do though is to swim & he is very daring in the water! We are so looking forward to summertime!! Kyle also attends the Community Care Center on Friday's, getting dropped off from his school bus after school. In the summer he attended Tuesdays as well.
MT22 has affected Kyle in many ways! He was born without a hole in his rectum & had a colostomy for the first year. In this time, they reconstructed the hole & when it was healed they reconnected everything. Praise God it is all still working!!!:) He also had a heart defect called Tetrollagy of Fallot which he had surgery for at 3 months of age & then again at 2 years. He only has one kidney & that one is doing well. He doesn’t eat much at all, only a few baby foods or yogurts a day so he is tube fed every night. Kyle doesn’t walk so we use a wheelchair; he doesn’t talk either but has his ways of letting us know his needs & wants!!! His biggest problem in the last few years has been his ears. He has exceedingly small ear canals & they seem to get infections all the time! He has had 3 surgeries to date, for ear tubes to be put in. For the most part though, Kyle is a very pleasant & sweet kid! His smiles are adorable & his giggles are "out of this world"!! A giggle from Kyle can make us all drop whatever we are doing & just enjoy the moment, he truly makes our day!! We have met several other children with MT 22 in the past 10 years, one even coming to visit from Scotland, and the amazing thing is they could've easily passed for brothers!! We also have connections through families with MT22 Children online which is really nice!!
I am so thankful for the amazing people who donate their time & talents at CCC! I love that every Friday I know that Kyle will be dropped off there after school & it is one day if I want to go farther away (like maybe a visit to market, shopping with friends, etc) I can do that without needing to be home for the bus at 2:30!! It is great to see the love & attention they give our kids. I think the Guys Night is really cool, but it does feel a bit funny to put Kyle on the bus at 7AM and then not see him until 8:30 in the evening. I always tell him he is acting just like my other teenagers, just gotta stay away from mom all day!! J So thank you to all of you who love on our Kyle & to all of you who work behind the scenes to make this all possible!! We are truly blessed!!
Many Blessings to you all!
Sue Esh (for the Esh Family)