Kindness for Kyle

Kindness for Kyle



This website was set up to honor our son & Brother, Kyle David Esh. It was Kyle & his mother’s desire to be used of God even during the struggles & difficulties they faced daily. Somehow God granted their request by drawing people to Kyle anywhere they went, from the local coffee shop, community park, on a shopping trip or even in the hospital. His mother then was able to share Kyles story, the love of Christ & when God nudged her to bless others with a coffee, financially or other gifts they did. It was their own little ministry. Today we want to continue those acts of kindness all over the world in Kyles memory and help grow their ministry.

Want ideas & all the details?? Click the link below! We cannot wait to see what God does through this & to hear of the many lives touched.

Have you received a card? Click the link and let us know!!

I certainly believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
— Psalm 27:13 (NASB)

Miracle Kid Kyle HERO


24 hours to 24 years

We have seen so many miracles in Kyles life. From those early days in the NICU, 2 open heart surgeries plus many others, hospitalizations for RSVP, Pneumonia and a near drowning incident. The doctors only expected Kyle too live 24 -48 hours, we are grateful we had 24 years with him!

Click the link to hear more of Kyles story.

our big yellow bucket bike

In 2021 friends & family surprised the Esh Family with the bike of their dreams- the Madsen Bucket bike. The idea was for this to provide Sue & Kyle a fun mode of transportation….faster than the wagon, more fun than the car! It took a bit of getting used to for both Sue & Kyle at first, but Sue will tell you when riding on that bike with a content Kyle in the back it made her heart soar and her spirit feel like they were flying free. She was ready to take on the world & you could most times hear her singing as they biked. Sue biggest disappointment with Kyles sudden passing was the many dreams she still had for them on this bike- trails both local & on their travels, a possible birthday trip to Mackinac Island and her biggest dream- going across America & sharing the love of Jesus to anyone who would come meet them. We are not sure what God has in store for this bike now without our amazing ridder in the back. you can Click the link below to hear about Sue’s very last ride with Kyle, see some of the places they’ve been in the past year, learn about Sues vision for going across America & see the reaction when Sue received the bike.

Special thanks to all who gave toward this most amazing gift & for those who have cheered us on this journey & shown faith in us for Sue’s big dream!! It has all been so appreciated!!

Kyles celebration of Life & Final goodbye on earth

It was my, Sue’s, heart desire that when Kyle passes, we would give him a beautiful sendoff & honor his life so well lived here on this earth! We are forever grateful to the friends & family who stood by our side in those last days of his life & in the days leading up until & throughout his Celebration of life. You gave us strength in those very difficult days. You all helped us honor him beautifully. Click the link to see pictures of the Viewing & celebration. You can also watch the Celebration of Life service.

Our Hope of Heaven

Our Hope of Heaven

Matthew 19:14 (NLT): 14 But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”

It’s hard to share all that is in my heart about the Life Kyle lived, a true warrior, here on earth & now He is with his King, Jesus Christ, in Heaven forever. I’m forever grateful I got to be his mother & to see the work the Lord has done through him in the lives of others! He touched others wherever we went, even without a voice like you & I! He touched me!! I’m thankful he is safely home & doesn’t suffer anymore. He is truly living his best life. But what about you???? When you die where will you go? I know there is room for all of us & I know we dont want to miss the party. I for one, cannot wait to get a hug from Kyle & hear him speak. But more importantly I cannot wait to see my Heavenly Father & live with Him forever. If you have questions, we would love to help you!! Please click the link here for more on eternal life! Also, if you don’t have a Bible, please click the link and reach out to us for one!!

Don’t miss heaven y’all!

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Our Last Family Picture- Christmas Eve 2021

We would love to hear from you about how Kyle has impacted your life. Please feel free to reach out with other questions as well.